
Showing posts from August, 2020

Muggles vs. Witches

  Finding the real me A few days ago a friend recommended that I read the Harry Potter series. Me: "I don't like that magic stuff." She: "This is different, yes there is magic but the story is wonderful and it's very easy to read." I think this friend was trying to tell me something. She saw my magical abilities and wanted me to recognize that I'm special. I read the first book and then I started making some connections. A few days ago my ice maker stopped working. I opened the phone book to call a repairman when the freezer make a "kerplunk" sound so I opened the door and sure enough there was the first ice I'd had in 3 days. A coincident? Maybe, but not the first one. I recalled the day I was walking the dog and we saw a large black snake. Blanka barked at it, I jumped and the snake just slithered off out of sight. That snake knew not to bother us, it's Spidey senses realized I meant business. Then there's the time that I went to

I'm sorry for everything

  Dear God, Supreme Beings and Mother Nature I'm sorry! Whatever I did to piss you off at the whole world I'd like to apologize and start over.  In no particular order I'd like to list my transgressions and ask for absolution, forgiveness, a do over, or a mulligan (for the God of Golf).  Just know that I'm so sorry and feel so guilty that the world is being punished because of my stupidity. 1. I'm sorry that last week when my recycling bin was full, I threw away the milk jug in the trash instead of saving it for the next pickup of recyclable materials. It was selfish but very convenient, I should of known better. 2. I apologize for not always giving my change to the bell ringer at Publix every Christmas. Let me explain, that damn bell is annoying; I don't like to get close to it so I stay as far away as possible. If that excuse isn't good enough, I also heard that enabling the poor will only make them poorer.  Sorry God, I didn't mean to say that. Publix