Avoiding Danger in the Supermarket

Written April 18, 2020

Yesterday I went grocery shopping. Ordinarily that wouldn't be headline news but we are now in the age of paper shortages. I had a plan; first, I went to Winn Dixie when the doors opened, I headed straight to the paper products. To my surprise, there were paper towels and toilet paper on the shelves. I headed to the towels first because I've been rationing those bastards for a couple of weeks, then... I see the sign. Only one paper product per shopper per day. I had to choose between wiping my ass or drying my hands (now I know why Europeans have bidets). I grabbed the towels and headed to the check out. The cashier tells me that'll be $19.89, what? I didn't buy lobster or steak. Yes it was a large package but those paper towels cost as much as two boxes of the very best wine. Holy Shit! I got back in the car and drove to Publix. Again I head for the paper aisle and I find toilet paper. No Charmin but they did have Angel Soft, I am cured of being a toilet paper snob. They also had the sign about buying only one of either. I leave Publix and head to Aldi because I'm cheap and Blanka and I have grown attached to some of their products. They are only allowing 50 people in the store. I was one of the lucky 50! When in your life have you celebrated being allowed in a freaking grocery store. I bought enough meat products to last until September, 2022 because I heard COVID-19 is closing packing plants. That last sentence was an exaggeration, I don't want you to think I'm one of those horrible hoarder people. I did all this with my homemade mask. I am the least crafty person in the entire world. I tied a scarf on my face that kept falling off or creeping down. I had to continually touch my face to pull up the mask, I think I defeated the entire purpose of covering my face. I felt like I was in an episode of the twilight zone, there were zombie like creatures with colorful masks and garden gloves everywhere.

I've been making it a point to tell everyone I see "thank you for working." I'm now buddies with the lawn care team, the mailman, the grocery clerks, the pizza boy, etc. I think I'm starting to get special treatment, my lawn gets mowed first. Wait, that might not be special since I wake up around 7:30/8:00 and mowing starts at daybreak. The mailman is putting less junk mail in my box. He must know I just throw it directly into the trash. The grocery clerks are double bagging my gallon of milk, how thoughtful. The pizza boy is the best, every time he delivers a pizza he tells me how nice it is to see me. He may have a crush on this sexy cougar; after all, I'm very hard to resist with my uncombed hair, my paisley nightgown and bunny rabbit slippers. 

My dog has not lost all of her marbles, she remembers the sound of the doorbell. Not that anyone comes to my house but if there's a bell on the television, she jumps up and barks at the door. Don't worry, the two of us are entertaining each other. She's the best at finding the outside edges on the jigsaw puzzle.


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